Overcoming Depression and Advancing to the Next Level, 2010
suum cuique crystallus, .jpg +html, 2010
LHOOQ Literally (After Duchamp), .html, 2009
Burned DVD, .html, .mov, .jpg, plaster, dvd player, wood, dvd, paper. Dimensions variable, 2010
Digital Light, 2010
Digital Fog, 2010
DIGITAL MOTIVATION: surf spirituals, found mixed digital media, ongoing
Overcoming Depression and Advancing to the Next Level, 2010
suum cuique crystallus, .jpg +html, 2010
LHOOQ Literally (After Duchamp), .html, 2009
Burned DVD, .html, .mov, .jpg, plaster, dvd player, wood, dvd, paper. Dimensions variable, 2010
Digital Light, 2010
Digital Fog, 2010
DIGITAL MOTIVATION: surf spirituals, found mixed digital media, ongoing